• Teacher Training

  • Professional Development
    for Teachers

    THINKING PRO’s proven-effective pedagogy for critical thinking includes a comprehensive professional development and credentialing program to ensure that both teachers and students achieve best possible results.


    Our professional development is tailored to serve individual teachers’ annual professional goals and to align with the objectives and milestones of their school improvement plans.

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    Teacher Training Includes:

    6-hour training workshop, including:

    • relevant pedagogical content knowledge (critical thinking, reading comprehension, and news media literacy)
    • grading assignments using examples
    • tips to effectively and easily tailor THINKING PRO to subject and student needs

    6 hour practicum during the 1st year of implementation, including:

    • 1 x Kickoff Meeting to ensure a smooth launch of THINKING PRO
    • 3 x Reflection Meetings with a dedicated instructional coach
    • 1 x Celebration Meeting to highlight student and teacher accomplishments

    Upon completion of the training and practicum, teachers will receive a THINKING PRO certificate and 4.0 CEUs.