The THINKING PRO Advantage: Improving Reading, Writing, and Professional Development in ELA

A Case Study on our Impact in English Language Arts

· High School,College Readiness,Career Readiness,Teaching,Case Studies of THINKING PRO

Improving student outcomes in English Language Arts (ELA) is a complex challenge, particularly when trying to stay competitive with other districts. Schools must not only address varying student needs in reading and writing but also ensure that teachers have access to high-quality, effective professional development. However, many districts struggle to offer the type of ongoing, tailored training necessary to help teachers adapt to new standards and teaching strategies.

This is where the learning program THINKING PRO comes in. By providing on-site professional development, THINKING PRO empowers teachers with tools and strategies that directly impact student performance in ELA, particularly in reading and writing skills. What follows is a case study where Principal Julia McBride and staff implemented THINKING PRO for three years at Pinckney Community High School in Michigan. They saw significant improvements in student outcomes and teacher confidence in the classroom, illustrating how the right professional development can make a lasting difference in student achievement.

Targeted Professional Development for ELA Teachers

Principal Julia McBride strongly believes that professional development for teachers is most effective when done as a team within the context of their own school and student population. Instead of sending individual teachers to various conferences, she prioritized team-based development on-site, allowing her staff to collaborate and grow together while addressing the specific needs of their students. THINKING PRO catered to this approach by providing customized, school-based training sessions that aligned with McBride’s vision.

The program also supported the school’s long-term goal of promoting disciplinary literacy, ensuring that students not only improved their reading and writing skills but also learned to apply literacy strategies across various content areas. THINKING PRO, McBride wrote,

“really brought in some concrete examples of how to scaffold students’ reading, processing, and communication skills for my teachers.”

She described the program as

“meaningful work and skill building for both students and teachers [that] continues to connect what we’re trying to get better at as a school.”

THINKING PRO’s professional development fostered a strong sense of collaboration and growth, ultimately leading to noticeable improvements in both teaching practices and student outcomes, as we’ll see below.

Improved Student Outcomes in ELA

THINKING PRO made a significant impact on student outcomes in reading and writing, as demonstrated in a 9th grade English course. After completing THINKING PRO's interactive learning videos, 89% of students demonstrated proficiency or above proficiency in reading strategies, while an impressive 93% achieved proficiency or higher in thinking strategies. Moreover, 83% of the students improved their scores from pretest to posttest, showcasing the program’s effectiveness in enhancing their critical reading and thinking skills. These results highlight how the program not only supports students in mastering ELA skills but also fosters their ability to think critically about what they read and write.

When looking at the aggregated data over the three years that Pinckney Community High School implemented THINKING PRO, the positive trend continued. Across the last period, 88% of students were proficient or above proficient in reading strategies, while 85% reached proficiency or higher in thinking strategies. This sustained improvement over time illustrates how THINKING PRO’s approach to teaching literacy skills and critical thinking helped the school consistently raise participating student achievement levels, reinforcing the value of long-term implementation for lasting educational gains.

These improvements went beyond pretest and posttest scores, with students reporting changes in their own thinking — even outside the classroom.

“I think this program really unlocked a part of my brain that I did not know that I had,” a 9th grade English student wrote.

Another said:

“Before this experience, I wasn’t too fond of the news, but after completing it I now really enjoy discussing the news and local issues with my friends and family.”

Overall Impact

THINKING PRO had a transformative impact on both teachers and students at Pinckney Community High School, where Principal Julia McBride prioritized team-based, on-site professional development to address the school’s unique needs. THINKING PRO aligned with the school’s long-term goal of promoting disciplinary literacy, fostering a collaborative learning environment for teachers and empowering them with strategies to improve student reading and writing skills.

Over three years, the program led to impressive results, showcasing its effectiveness in driving meaningful academic growth and instilling newfound confidence in students’ critical thinking abilities. Beyond improved performance in the participating classrooms, it also inspired students’ deeper engagement with news and local issues.

Elevate ELA Teaching and Results With THINKING PRO

THINKING PRO is a game-changer for ELA teachers looking to enhance their students' reading and writing skills. Offering on-site, tailored professional development, THINKING PRO equips teachers with practical strategies that foster critical thinking and improve literacy across content areas. The program’s proven success in boosting student outcomes — such as achieving over 85% proficiency in reading and thinking strategies — demonstrates its effectiveness. THINKING PRO not only supports students in mastering ELA skills but also empowers teachers to collaborate and grow, ensuring long-term success in the classroom.

Ready to see the difference for your students? Try out THINKING PRO today and elevate your ELA teaching!